We provide non-numerical data concerning the inclinations of your prospects. We also provide powerful tools to scientifically comprehend consumers’ motivations and hence, we help in branding and conversions. We offer dedicated, sound and equally personalized qualitative research services that are quite vital for decision-oriented marketing research. Our services are result driven in developing hypotheses about motivations of consumers that help us gauge the requirements from the consumer’s perspective. We incorporate decision analysts who let us emphasize upon non directive and protective interviewing techniques in our qualitative research investigations.
We offer flexible tools to know consumers’ motivations and their relationship with any particular brand or product in different settings and associated applications. Some of our qualitative research applications are-
- Persona development for market segmentation along with Customer satisfaction & Shopper research
- Branding research along with Shopping research & Concept development and refinement
- Product development and refinement along with Exploration for quantitative questionnaire development
- Exploration of questions raised in quantitative research
- Attitude, usage and behavior analysis along with Message Development

Traditional Qualitative Services
- Focus Group
- Sensitized Groups
- Dyadic and Triadic Interviews
- Depth motivational Studies
Online Qualitative Services
- Time-Extended™ Online discussions Forums
- Time-Extended™ Online Depth Interviews
- Time-Extended™ Close-Ups
- Online chat Discussions
- Online Video Forums

We also offer unconventional qualitative research services depending on your needs & it incorporates

- Images, video, audio
- Online Pseudo-Depth Interviews
- Online Iterative Concept Consideration
- Online Sentence Completion
- Online Word Association
- Online Hypotheses Quantification
- Website usability
- Stories
- Video Diaries
- Virtual Ethnography
- Virtual Shop-along
- Live Screen Sharing
- In-Vehicle Video
- Voicemail Journaling
Sectors that we cover include FMCG, Finance (Banking, Insurance, and Investments), Food, Automobiles (4 Wheeler, 2 Wheelers), Telecommunications and Media. We are also well adept in serving sectors related to Drinks (Alcoholic/Non-Alcoholic), Leisure/Sports, IT – Computers & Printers, Agriculture, and Pharmaceutical – Patients & Doctors and so on.
We are industry leaders in offering top-notch recruitment solutions that include Face-to-Face Recruitment and Telephone Recruitment along with Digital/Online communities Recruitment, Database/Sample Recruitment and Facebook & WhatsApp Panels Recruitments. Choose our services to incorporate qualities that only enhance performance and boost conversions.